Cyber threats explained: defining many of the risks to your business

Cyber threats explained: defining many of the risks to your business

A cyber threat is an attempt by a person or group of people to exploit, steal or disrupt the digital wellbeing of individuals and/or organisations. ...

Maximising your IT spend when times are tight

Maximising your IT spend when times are tight

Feeling the financial squeeze? It can be tricky to juggle competing demands but one area you can stay in control is by effectively utilising your IT resources. To help, we’ve...

Inside the cyber solutions that deliver peace of mind for our customers

Inside the cyber solutions that deliver peace of mind for our customers

A brief look around and you’ll notice most managed IT providers include cyber security in their offering. But if you were to go behind the scenes, you’ll soon discover many...

ASIC affirms cyber accountability is a collective effort

ASIC affirms cyber accountability is a collective effort

The Australian Financial Review Cyber Summit in September put the spotlight on growing consumer concern that organisations are not protecting their personal data to an effective standard. Organisations and business...

Cyber security is now table stakes for your business

Cyber security is now table stakes for your business

Cyber security isn’t a stand-alone technical issue. It’s an operational essential that has implications for every aspect of your business.   ...

Be cyber wise - don't compromise

Be cyber wise - don't compromise

Cyber Security Awareness Month is here and the national theme is Be cyber wise – don’t compromise. ...

efex is an ACSC Network Partner

efex is an ACSC Network Partner

We’re pleased to announce efex has become an Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) Network Partner. ...

Get your business Intune for better data protection

Get your business Intune for better data protection

Cyber security has moved from being an IT issue to a whole-of-business concern. ...

Shift your cyber-security mindset into gear

Shift your cyber-security mindset into gear

Cybercrime is relentless and no person or business is immune. As a business owner himself, our CEO Nick Sheehan knows this all too well, sharing his advice for SMB’s in...

Securing your business is more than locking the front door

Securing your business is more than locking the front door

It’s no longer enough to lock the office front door when it comes to securing your business. As a business owner responsible for a team of people spread across Australia,...

Benchmark your cyber security strength

Benchmark your cyber security strength

The latest research from the global IT governance organisation ISACA shows that one in four customers have severed ties with the company that lost their data in a cyber-attack. Losing 25%...

Take the power back from cyber criminals in 2023

Take the power back from cyber criminals in 2023

You may have noticed a subtle shift in the media’s narrative about the high profile cyber attacks we saw in 2022. When it came to light that Optus had suffered...